It comes as no surprise that the most popular “tweeters” to follow are celebrities. I am fortunate to be in New York today, at the "140 Characters Conference," (#140conf) where I just heard Ivanka Trump discuss how and why she tweets. During her presentation, there was a particular part that really stood out to me.
When asked what the most important part of twitter is as a celebrity, Ivanka answered “Remaining consistent in your messages.”
Although I am not a celebrity, a key part of what defines my role as a social media public relations professional is to develop and manage several different types of clients’ social media platforms. In doing so, it has become apparent that a consistent message is key to engaging friends, followers and fans. With each client I strive to achieve a specific goal: to combine news, relevant trends, and a unique perspective into each account.
We become friends, fans and followers of things that we are interested in knowing and learning more about. If the message becomes distorted and dishonest, the audience becomes disengaged. If the audience becomes disengaged, the message cannot be shared.
While the accounts I manage may not be as exciting to follow as certain celebrity’s tweets are, I understand that without a consistent message, the potential to connect to an audience and provoke conversation through social media is lost.
Abby Draper is the Manager of Social Media. Contact her at abby@maroonpr.com.

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