On Wednesday October 20, Starbucks new digital network went live in almost 6,800 stores. The company partnered with Yahoo Inc. to deliver a free digital network exclusively to all of their
With a goal of attracting a larger customer base in their
An article from the Sacramento Business Journal states –
“Yahoo’s vision is to be the center of people's online lives by delivering personally relevant, meaningful Internet experiences, wherever they may be,” said Elisa Steele, EVP and CMO at Sunnyvale-based Yahoo (Nasdaq: YHOO). “We’re excited to team up with Starbucks to create a dynamic online destination where their customers will find unique online content to keep them informed and entertained.”
In a blog from The Economist, the perks of Starbucks digital network are discussed in detail –
“While in the cafĂ©, using the free in-store Wi-Fi, customers now gain digital access to content they'd otherwise have to pay for. The Wall Street Journal opens up full access to its $103-per-year Web site, and the New York Times provides its $240-per-year Web app reader for free. Kids' entertainment giant Nickelodeon lets the rugrats in to the paid Nick Jr Boost, a subscription that costs about $100 per year. Apple will give away free music and videos. (And Starbucks is using iPhone- and iPad-friendly video and browsing standards.) Several American publishers will provides access to excerpts and the full text of books as part of the Bookish Reading Club. Starbucks gets a piece of subscription signups and sales.”
Will Starbucks be the first to kick off an in-store digital network trend? If so, will this eliminate the need for small or start-up businesses to have their own office space? Only time will tell, but as for now I am looking forward to enjoying the new services that Starbucks has to offer.
Courtney Carey is a Projects Manager. She can be reached at coutney@maroonpr.com
Interesting! - I also look forward to doing some work away from the office in the great atmosphere which Starbucks has to offer. Thanks Courtney!