Facebook has taken on yet another addition to its capabilities and marketing potential. Today, the social media start-up company, Involver, announced that they were launching an app that allows brands to customize their Facebook pages depending on the Klout scores of their fans.
What is a Klout score? Klout, a San Francisco based company, provides social media analytics that measures the effectiveness and influence that a social network has. The company gathers data from social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and takes into account the size of someone’s network, the quality of their content and how other people interact with that content. Klout then scores the social network based on the influence that it has.
Senior VP of Involver, Jascha Kaykas-Wolff, describes the newly launched app: “The first application is a simple coupon-esque experience. A brand will be able to bring an application out of their Page, configure to deliver content to people above and below certain Klout scores, and then input whatever that content is.” The aforementioned content can be anything that the brand wants to offer – coupons, movie trailers, ringtones, unreleased products, etc.
Audi USA is the first to take this new Facebook app on a test drive. Based on the user’s Klout score, Audi USA is offering fans a custom desktop, ringtone or both.
This is an interesting step in the customization of brand pages on Facebook. This level of personalization is going to be what makes certain brands stand out among consumers and the over 500 million users on Facebook. I am very interested to see the other apps that Involver is planning to launch in the near future!
Courtney Carey is Manager of Social Media at Maroon PR. Contact her at Courtney@MaroonPR.com.
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