With recent rants of drug-fueled parties and public tirades on national television, Charlie Sheen has collected a fair amount unflattering nicknames over the past week. Well, it’s time to add one more title to the list: Guinness World Record Holder.
That’s right. Guinness World Records, the ultimate authority on every record-breaking achievement, crowned Sheen the “Fastest to Reach 1 Million Followers on Twitter”. The Guinness website states that @CharlieSheen achieved this record in just 25 hours and 17 minutes.
According to a report in Advertising Age, Internet startup group Ad.ly, which represents high-profile account such as Snopp Dogg and Paris Hilton, brokered the account and was able to get Sheen’s Twitter verified immediately. From there, his account took off. Sheen joined Twitter on March 1 and, within a matter of minutes, he had more than 60,000 followers without even posting a tweet.
What’s Sheen’s motivation for joining the social networking site? It’s a “cash-cow” he told reporters in a recent TMZ article, citing that Kim Kardashian reportedly earns $10,000 per tweet as a part of her contract with Ad.ly. It also serves as his own, personal soap-box – an unfiltered feed to his wild rants.
As one of the highest paid actors in television on CBS’s #1 sit-com Two and a Half Men, there is no doubting Sheen’s popularity. He had it all – which makes watching him self-destruct on a public stage even more fascinating.
One of Sheen’s first tweets read: “In all sincerity... Thank you Twitter community for the warm reception & the followers that helped get me to 1M in 24 hours!!!”
Twitter “Followers” are not always supporters and this “warm reception” may be misconstrued. Although a Guinness World Record may sound like a great accomplishment, I’d argue that the majority of them just want a front row seat to the next bizarre chapter in Sheen’s life.
Pete DeLuca is Manager of Creative Services at Maroon PR. Contact him at Pete@MaroonPR.com
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